Parked outside the emergency room…

…and in the physician-only parking area, no less, this lawyer’s van seen at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center. (Pics #1 and #2 at EMedConcepts, May 6) (via Gross Anatomy). We wonder about that hydrant in pic #1, too. More: a reader directs our attention to the website maintained by the van’s owner, the Law Office of […]

…and in the physician-only parking area, no less, this lawyer’s van seen at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center. (Pics #1 and #2 at EMedConcepts, May 6) (via Gross Anatomy). We wonder about that hydrant in pic #1, too. More: a reader directs our attention to the website maintained by the van’s owner, the Law Office of John Dearie & Associates, which includes a page on the “mobile law office” and a reprint of a Dec. 26, 2001 New York Times article about it. Further: welcome Fark visitors (see May 20); and one observer speculates that the lawyer might have scheduled a deposition at the hospital, a theory about which we are skeptical (see Yclipse, May 18, with comment from me); see also Chris Rangel, May 19. More: Jan. 21, 2005 (TV show adapts idea), Jun. 5, 2005 (law firm’s side of story).


  • When the ambulance chaser arrives, where does he park?

    Overlawyered has pictures of a &#145mobile law office,&#146 parked in physician-only parking, in front of a fire hydrant, outside of a hospital&#146s emergency room: While this is the sort of shameless stuff that induces me and other healthcare profess…

  • The Gall

  • Quick! To the Lawyermobile!

    Dear sweet jesus this is wrong.

  • Art Imitates Reality

    Mobile Lawyer and “ER” the TV show | EMedConcepts | 1.20.05 ER: Season 11, Episode 177861, 1/20/2005 It turns out that the post on the Mobile Lawyer who showed up at our hospital and ER last spring caught some notice…