U.K.: “Medics slam ‘money for referrals'”

Following a rules change this spring which for the first time allowed solicitors to share fees with third parties, law firms across England have begun offering money to doctors for the referral of injury cases. “Lawyers Higgins and Co, from Birkenhead in Wirral, has been offering GPs ?175 for every patient they refer to their […]

Following a rules change this spring which for the first time allowed solicitors to share fees with third parties, law firms across England have begun offering money to doctors for the referral of injury cases. “Lawyers Higgins and Co, from Birkenhead in Wirral, has been offering GPs ?175 for every patient they refer to their firm. … The British Medical Association said it believed doctors being offered money for compensation referrals was ‘inappropriate and gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.'” One danger, for example, is that doctors in cases of unclear diagnosis will be given an incentive to diagnose a malady for which compensation can be sought rather than one for which there is no one to blame. “But the Law Society said there was nothing wrong with this practice, as long as all parties were aware that money had been exchanged.” (BBC, Aug. 27) (& letter to the editor, Jan. 17).

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