Calif. lawmaker’s less-than-incandescent idea

Virginia Postrel (Jan. 12) sheds more illumination on the lightbulb ban notion we discussed Feb. 1.

Virginia Postrel (Jan. 12) sheds more illumination on the lightbulb ban notion we discussed Feb. 1.


  • It’s all about the ultra-bright LEDs anyway. Those are ultra-durable and it should be technically feasible to adjust the color and brightness of the light fairly easily.

    Unfortunately, LEDs are very expensive. But imagine having a light switch were you could have 4 or 5 preset tones of white light. Warmer tones for winter, pure white for working.

  • “Unfortunately, LEDs are very expensive.”

    Yes, but they are practically free to have on and last practically forever. All the things that make fluorescents good apply EVEN MORE to LEDs.