Nineteen votes short…

Although we fell just short of the votes we needed in the ABA Journal contest, we truly appreciate the time and trouble taken by our supporters as well as the kind things said about us by other sites (catalogued in the post just below this one). Congratulations to QuizLaw, which has won a big and […]

Although we fell just short of the votes we needed in the ABA Journal contest, we truly appreciate the time and trouble taken by our supporters as well as the kind things said about us by other sites (catalogued in the post just below this one). Congratulations to QuizLaw, which has won a big and loyal readership by staying on top of offbeat news stories about the law in a consistently lively style.


  • Thanks for a fun fight to the bitter end, guys. If we had to beat anyone, we’re glad it was you!

  • Very good show gentlemen!

    You ranked high enough for the ABA to take notice, besides this way you are not the ones looking over your shoulder, you have a clear target ahead!

    Full steam ahead.

  • Well done to both contestants in a tough and crowded blawg market. Keeping this stuff relevant and interesting – even entertaining – is sometimes a tough ask.

  • Did the robot overlords whom you represent tell you to be so damn gracious in defeat?