“EU wants to ban ‘sexist’ TV commercials”

Members of the European Parliament “want TV regulators in the EU to set guidelines which would see the end of anything deemed to portray women as sex objects or reinforce gender stereotypes. This could potentially mean an end to attractive women advertising perfume, housewives in the kitchen or men doing DIY [do-it-yourself].” (Chris Irvine, Daily Telegraph, Sept. 5).


  • I’d like to see an end to the reverse-sexist commercials in the U.S. You know, the ones where a husband is portrayed as a childish buffoon and his wife is obviously the brains of the family.

  • Next they will institute the Junior Anti-Sex league.

  • On this issue, I’m with you Justinian. If any of these reversed the rolls and portrayed women in the same manner, there would be national news stories about it.

  • I realized I was not clear. I want to see them stop but do not want them banned. I simply refuse to buy product from the advertiser and occasionally let them know why.

    Government shouldn’t be involved in advertising except in cases of fraud.

  • For the record, I actually agree with Justinian Lane’s comment on this issue. I would even go so far as to say that his comment is fairly tame (that is, it’s far worse and wider spread than just husband/wife).

    To expand on OBQuiet’s point, yes, such sexism is annoying at times, but government intervention in such would be far, far worse.

  • I can’t believe it, but I’m also in agreement with Mr. Lane. However, we need to take it a step further. I wish nearly every single sitcom on TV, and many other types of programming as well, would abandon with the “man is a dolt or a sex dog, and woman is the brainy one or simply using what she’s got (good looks, etc.) to her advantage – meaning she’s smart” stereotype. Oh, the one time a man can be portrayed positively is if he’s gay. Because it’s obvious that any man who isn’t gay can’t be considerate, or a gentleman, or smart, or anything else positive. Those guys just don’t exist any more, according to the TV writers.

    It’s all a matter of us speaking with our wallets, because that’s the only language the network and advertising execs can understand.