• Why not send cash?

    For starters: $9.5 Million in cash (C-notes) would weigh about 190 pounds requiring that it be sent in 3 installments if only to keep it under the 70-pound package limit for USPS. Assuming $3.2ish Million/package, it would cost around $30/box to ship, Priority mail.

    However, since you’re sending cash, you want to insure the money for its full value. You can only insure a package up to $5000, which means breaking the entire $9.5 mil into 1900 items, which would be shipped in #10 business envelopes at 42 cents per, plus insurance which is 49.25 per envelope, totaling about $95,000 for all of the postage, plus the time it takes to stuff and insure 1900 envelopes.

    But you could very affordably hire transport on an Armored Car.

  • If only they weren’t collectors’ items, it would take a mere 95 $100,000 bills. They have been discontinued but are still legal tender.