• In other breaking news: The Sun rises in the East.

  • i thought jack thompson got disbarred =p

  • This is news? ABA needs to get with it.

  • As opposed to Narcissists with tiny egos, I suppose.

  • John stole my joke.

  • It is the sociopaths with big egos who lead big law firms that damage all of our lives. A tiny group are now in well-deserved jail (Scruggs, Weiss, Lerach, etc) or exposed as shameful deceivers/thieves (John Edwards, F. Lee Bailey, etc.). There are vast numbers of others who escape justice or widespread public scruitiny.

  • Ron – based on your post, I think the litination is bringing you down. If you swing by my site I hope you’ll find a way to laugh at some of the ridiculousness of it all (http://www.litination.com).

  • My fault, it was Ed that could use the laugh. Sorry for the misread. Ron, you are welcome to visit Litination anytime as well!

  • Ed, they article is referring to defense lawyers primarily. I’m sure many have big egos but most these guys are hardly sociopaths. None of the guys you mentioned run a top 50 sized firm or even close.