Before and After

While I don’t plan to promote my own blog here, because there’s not much to promote, this is a story that I think needs wider circulation.  Police and prosecutorial abuse is a problem that’s gotten more attention in the past year thanks to a certain District Attorney, but it hasn’t gotten enough to suit me.

Suppose we have a jailhouse lawyer, who sues the local sheriff and district attorney for alleged civil rights violations.  Suppose, just after filing that suit, the jailhouse lawyer gets into a fight with deputy sheriff jailers, and comes out on the losing end.  As in, “a trip to the hospital for broken bones” losing end.  Then suppose he’s charged as a felon for assaulting his jailers, and, in the office of the District Attorney who charged him, the same District Attorney he sued, a poster appears with photos of the inmate’s face before and after the trip to the emergency room, along the lines of a certain well known anti-drug commercial involving a frying egg.

Suppose the inmate’s attorney requests the poster as Brady material, but the poster somehow vanishes:  This Is Your Face After Inconveniencing The Stanly County District Attorney. Any Questions?

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