Religious accommodation law

I expect to be blogging on that subject quite a bit at the new site I’ve helped launch, Secular Right. Today I’ve got a few thoughts up on the so-called Freedom of Choice Act and its potential impact on Catholic hospitals, so-called conscience laws entitling employees of clinics and drugstores to opt out of their job duties when asked to dispense contraceptives or assist in other reproductive services, the never-ending war over Christmas and tit-for-tat atheist displays, and more. (Dec. 7).


  • I think this will prove to be a tasty little intellectual morsel – given that the definition of what qualifies as a religion is so vague and the legal test for what is and is not is even more vague. I suppose the theocrats and atheocrats (and their philosophers) will have to put the gloves back on and enter the ring again to duke it out for a few more rounds. Ask a modern day environmentalist if their belief in environmentalism is so strong that they see it in terms of having a god (earth), a deity (Al Gore), sin (capitalism), symbols (recycle logo), and orthodoxy (EPA and myriad other groups). I admit to lifting some of this banter from others.

  • I can see the writing on the wall. Catholic hospitals will be flooded with lawyers driving women in labor to the the ER demanding late-term abortions.

  • Why do Muslims get workplace accommodation for working with pork products and Catholics don’t get similar consideration for contraceptives?

  • “Why do Muslims get workplace accommodation for working with pork products and Catholics don’t get similar consideration for contraceptives?

    Because Catholics have been given a special exemption from PC protections. Its okay to refer to them as kooks or zealots, and its fine to desecrate their symbols – like displaying a painting of the virgin Mary with images of elephant dung and genitalia. And it is perfectly reasonable for the state, or the secular majority to force them to abandon their most sacred beliefs. Its in the fine print in the PC manual.

  • […] (my post at Secular Right just now; earlier). […]