CPSIA rally in Washington, D.C.


I’m planning to be at Wednesday morning’s event as an observer. Details here. If you’re just discovering this website and its coverage of the law, you might want to start with my first Forbes.com article (auto-plays unrelated video), City Journal piece on the threat to vintage kids’ books, and fifty-state sampling of other impacts, which concludes with some reflections on how well Washington, D.C. does at listening to the rest of the country. Then proceed to the tagged pages for CPSIA posts generally and any subtopics of special interest to you (such as resale/thrift stores, libraries, powersports, etc.)

About the Forbes piece, by the way, I’m happy to report it was just given a boost by actress Demi Moore in her very popular Twitter persona of @mrskutcher. You can follow me on Twitter, as well as Overlawyered itself.

Back in this spot on Thursday.

Public domain graphic: Ruth Mary Hallock, Grandma’s Graphics.

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