“Considering the explosion of new media, regulation is inevitable”

Phillips Givens’ IP Law 101 has more on the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed extension of liability to situations where bloggers or others in social media fail to disclose the receipt of freebie services (such as entertainment or software) or write insincerely favorable posts about the experience. Earlier here. More: Jeff Winkler, Reason “Hit and Run”.

P.S.: Doesn’t sound as if bloggers have much to worry about, though, if the topics on which they provide favorable coverage are of a more political sort.


  • No doubt when Congress gets around to regulating new media, they’ll use the same superb lawmaking skills that brought us the CPSIA. Enjoy the Web while it lasts because once Congress gets their hands on it, it won’t be long for this world.

  • Disclosure is key, FTC wants to make sure advertisers don’t do what they couldn’t do in the first place by using consumers on the web.