France to regulate Photoshopped pics?

Barb Dybwad, Mashable: “The proposed law comes from French MP Valerie Boyer and is inspired by a recent report she authored on anorexia and bulemia. She points to the detrimental effect that unrealistic body images can have on adolescents.” More: Jacqui Cheng, Ars Technica; Ken at Popehat (UK’s Liberal Democrats promote similar ban for some ads).


  • Will the French also regulate then, because it would be consistent to do so:

    … The use of cosmetics to improve one’s appearance?

    … Diet and exercise (you can improve your appearance but not too much?)?

    … Cosmetic surgery?

    … Cartoon-characters’ figures? Barbie dolls?

    … Camera angles (some are definitely more flattering than others) and clothes (ditto).

    If we accept the logic for photoshop regulation, in what way would the above not also qualify for, nay require, the same treatment? For the children of course.

  • The French ordeal of Doctors control the fake advertising especially in cosmetology when the companies use prepuber models to launch antiobesity cream for example. The images expressed by the ad influence the way people want to look like. It is important to ban some photoshopped pics to keep realistic images as model for healthy lifestyle.

  • Mr Olson, you’ll be hearing from Adobe’s lawyers if you insist on using the term “Photoshopped” I’m sure.