Update: Continental pilots’ sham divorces

A federal judge has dismissed the airline’s suit against pilots seeking to reclaim pension outlays arising from what it said were paper divorces followed by remarriages to the same spouse. Still pending are the pilots’ suits against Continental for wrongful dismissal and invasion of privacy stemming from the airline’s investigation of the episode. [ABA Journal; earlier here and here]


  • Divorces are pretty expensive. Why would anyone actually pretend to divorce and then get remarried to the same person?

  • Joe, what’s the expense if you aren’t actually contesting anything? The bike repair shop a few blocks from my apartment offers divorces for 300 bucks, according to the sign in the window. Also PC repair and guitar lessons, but still: 300 buck divorces!

  • I can’t blame the pilots. All they want is the pensions that they rightfully earned, before the airline files for bankruptcy and dumps it’s pension obligations. Continental has to have something like that in mind, otherwise why would they complain?

  • It’s cheating, it’s lying, it’s fraud.

    If one were to claim a government benfit based on a false statement of marital status, certainly the payer would be looking into it./