$2 million demanded for overly hot chicken sandwich

Late-night fast food at a Virginia gas station McDonald’s proves fateful, if not fatal. [Kevin Couch at new, South Carolina-based Abnormal Use: An Unreasonably Dangerous Product Liability Blog]

P.S.: Jim Dedman of the Gallivan firm writes in email: “Walter, we’re big fans of Overlawyered here at our firm in South Carolina, and I myself have been reading it since I was a law student. We started our blog on the first business day of 2010, partially inspired by having read your site for years. Thanks again, and we look forward to being a part of the blogosphere with you.” Inspiring others to jump in is one of the true psychological rewards of blogging.


  • I can see the guy’s case if the scalding grease wasn’t drained (as you’d expect it to be). But come on, two million for a few second degree burns? Maybe a couple hundred.

  • It’s telling that the guy continued eating after he was supposedly seriously injured by hot grease. An injury so severe that he had to be treated with lip balm.

  • Where is Jackie Chiles when you need him?

  • […] Overly hot sandwich caused $2 million worth of damages, he says, though it’s true he didn’t seek immediate medical attention [Lowering the Bar, earlier] […]