“Man Sues for Extra Time on LSAT, Claiming ADHD”

“A prospective law school student who alleges he has a disability filed a suit in U.S. District Court in the Western District of Texas, seeking a court order to force the Law School Admissions Council to provide him with accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act for the Law School Admissions Test.” [Texas Lawyer via ABA Journal]


  • ” … his disability impairs his reading ability and his ability to concentrate ‘to the point that his competence level is below that expected in comparison to most people.’ …”

    Good luck arguing a brief to the judge, or with closing arguments to the jury.

  • He can always get a job at the Justice Department.

  • They already will give ADHD people more time but they give it an *, because without the time component it does not predict law school performance. I think it also can’t be reported to USNEWS either (which is the real value to a school in recruiting high LSAT scorers). The * is likely what this suit is about.

  • Laugh all you want, but wait until there are demands for double the time to take all law school exams, bar exams, and then on to double time for case presentation, closing arguments, etc.

    And then the whole billable hour model is ADA discriminatory in this same argument.

    Pass the popcorn, I cannot wait to see how this scam plays out.

  • I attended a Federal Court trial recently and each attorney was allotted a “bank” of time. Come closing arguments if they were out of time–tough luck.

  • “wait until there are demands for double the time to take all law school exams, bar exams”

    Already happens.

    “the whole billable hour model is ADA discriminatory in this same argument.”

    Seems like billing double time is better for the firm (as long as clients can’t/don’t balk)

  • If you have serious ADHD, law is the wrong profession for you. Sorry buddy.

    Maybe we’ll get some paranoid schizophrenics suing to join the police force next.