• One ticket, one seat.

  • I consider myself obese, but have never been unable to fit entirely into an economy class seat. One thing to keep in mind with these policies is that they affect not the merely chubby, or hardcore weightlifters, but only the small fraction of the population that is “superobese”. I weigh much more than I should, and I have never even needed a seatbelt extender. Some of these airline policies target only people who can’t buckle up even with a seatbelt extender. Also, I have a relative who has struggled even more than I with weight control (or maybe he doesn’t struggle – and that is the issue) who gets around the whole economy class seat size problem by flying first class.

  • Maybe the solution is to make the jetways or doorways to get on the plane only wide enough to let someone on who can fit in a single seat?

    (Just kidding!)