• this is off topic, but right up your ally.

    website puts out fake add selling unicorn meat, as an april fools joke.

    gets cease and desist letter over fake add.


  • Let’s see. In the last 140 years France lost 2 wars to Germany and would have lost WWI had not the US bailed them out. They have destroyed their economy thanks to an all-powerful union. Unemployment among those under 30 is over 20% because companies cannot afford to hire them. Their illegal immigration problem is worse than ours. Their football team was a joke at the World Cup. At least they get August off. The French do appear to be good at throwing people in jail for expressing opinions that are not PC: even our PC Gestapo, so prevalent on our elite college campuses, doesn’t go that far (oops, let’s not give them any ideas!)

  • Steve, you lost me at “lost two wars.” I mean, give them credit — they helped out quite a bit with winning the first one.

    On the other hand, encouraging Jerry Lewis — that was really criminal.

  • David Frum’s writer omits mention of the Gayssot Law, which criminalizes disparagment of the holocaust. It left Jean-Marie Le Pen responsible for a very hefty fine when he called it “a detail” of WWII. Nor is France the only sinner here — Germany lifted his diplomatic immunity so he could be prosecuted there for some other remark about the holocaust censors didn’t like.

    There isn’t much need for fining and jailing in the United States. The Southern Poverty Law Center or Anti-Defamation League stands ready to get you fired from your job if you speak your thoughtcrimes aloud.