June 21 roundup

  • After Mohawk Industries settlement, many employers could be sitting ducks for suits claiming that hiring illegal workers is RICO violation [Helman, Forbes, earlier]
  • Teen tries to help child lost in store, winds up facing felony rap of false imprisonment [Greenfield]
  • Federal magistrate in debt collection case: letter on law firm letterhead implies threat to sue [Legal Intelligencer]
  • On “professional” class action objectors [Ted at PoL]
  • Coal company claims ventilation system ordered by government regulators might have been a cause of deadly April mine explosion [WSJ]
  • Senate committee approves judicial nomination of John (“Jack”) McConnell, impresario of Rhode Island lead-paint litigation; William Jacobson explains critics’ charges regarding couching of legal fee as purported hospital donation [Legal Insurrection]
  • Hey, stop siphoning that oil slick, we haven’t checked your life jackets and extinguishers [GatewayPundit] Gulf oil rig registered for purposes of regulation in remote Pacific island chain [Legal Blog Watch] Richard Epstein on oil spill liability [WSJ] BP will never pay full price of accident [Popehat] Check back in 2031 to see how the litigation went [Alex Beam, Boston Globe]
  • American Constitution Society holds panel discussion on Iqbal and Twombly [BLT] “Is It Too Much to Ask That a Lawsuit Be ‘Plausible’?” [Richard Samp, WLF Legal Pulse]


  • I happily turn a 180 when it comes to cases like Mohawk. It isn’t the legal strategy I savor, it’s my extreme objection to the soft treatment of illegal immigration. I do hope companies get scared of litigation and tighten their practices.

  • Try to help a child? I’m a pediatrician, and have made this my career.
    Yet being a bit older and wiser than the helpful 13 year old boy, I know better. At the first sign of a lost child I do a quick 180 and get clear.

  • It seems to me the better practice would have simply (and repeatedly) if necessary, tell store employees. Usually, a simply PA announcement solves the problem. But, the police went way overboard on this. I hope the DA drops this one like a hot potato.

  • In the Mohawk case it is good to see the legal community do some good for once. The Forbes column was a big load of pro-illegal garbage. The case as stated in the article defies the logic of the free market.

  • […] Charges dropped against teen who tried to help lost kid in shopping mall [Lenore Skenazy, earlier] […]