The University of Windsor wasn’t quite as independent as it imagined, not in the face of a discrimination suit over its choice of law dean. [National Post, earlier]
The University of Windsor wasn’t quite as independent as it imagined, not in the face of a discrimination suit over its choice of law dean. [National Post, earlier]
If the law actually says the tribunal can produce “an order directing any party to the application to do anything that, in the opinion of the tribunal, the party ought to do to promote compliance with this Act.”, it is little wonder the tribunal gets the idea they can do anything they want. I see some potential for abuse in giving them such wide latitude. I wonder if they can successfully order someone to “jump off a cliff”?
I wonder if the Canadian parliament realizes that they’ve given this tribunal the power to order an PM to resign, forfeit all property and money and go into exile out of the country?
I wonder if there is a way to apply this ruling… the (misnamed) Human Rights Commission?? Time for this abomination to be eliminated in the next budget and legislative session.
I suppose we’ll see that question raised if the Canadian Supreme Court ever tries to overrule it.