• In addition to the shortage of many of the life saving medications that we need in the hospital, we are also seeing a shortage of generics in the community. What generics we can get are having huge increases in price in order to comply with all the new regulations. Further, many of the companies that produced these generics are now stopping production, going out of business or consolidating.

  • This is a national crisis of the first order.

    The federal bureaucracy is destroying the American health care system on all levels.

    Obamacare just turbo-charges the current destructive hyper-regulation.

    Answer: repeal and replace the entire regulatory nightmare.

  • I call them Naderites who engage in Ralph Nader’s campaign to protect the public from conspiracies within and among profit seeking corporations. Dr. Wolfe exposed the fact that breast implants were not properly tested according to rather arbitrary standards. The fact that thousand upon thousands of breast implants had been used over decades with a good safety record was disregarded and many women were scared unecessarially. There NEVER was any data against implants. Profit seeking lawyers, corrupt doctors and immaginative plaintiffs feasted on a muti-billion-dollar swindle.

    I am amased at the people I meet and have heard on tghe radio who view Nader as some sort of a hero when he is one of the most evil guys to ever breath God’s air. President Obama lives in a Nader fantasy and has hyped the effects of the BP oil spill. The constant broadcast of the cushing well mandated by Representative Markey really hurt the fishermen in the Gulf. Oil floats on the surface of a volume of water; fish swim under the surface. The fish NEVER were at risk.

    The Toyota fiasco was a Nader problem; CPSC is a disaster; and our medical institutions have been terriably corrupted. It is not regulation perse that is the problem; it is our citenzentry’s belief in Naderism.