WSJ op-ed on same-sex marriage and religious exemptions

I’ve got an op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal on New York’s vote last Friday to legally recognize same-sex marriage. I also applaud the inclusion of protections for religious institutions (and would have favored strengthening the protections beyond the current level). The WSJ frames the discussion as “Two Views from the Right,” and they’ve got Maggie Gallagher giving the opposite side.


  • Those exemptions will not last long. You should be well aware that the ultimate goal is to have priests put in jail and parishes asset forfeited for refusing to conduct same sex marriages.

  • But, at least we’re teaching our women to fight.
    “Female Special Operators Now in Combat” (June 29, 2011)

  • You should be well aware that the ultimate goal is to have priests put in jail and parishes asset forfeited for refusing to conduct same sex marriages.

    What planet did you parachute from?

  • What isn’t often mentioned is the obvious: that when governments permit religious exemptions, they are automatically admitting that their laws are immoral, because it is the Bible which is the ultimate source of morality. Or do they claim some higher form of morality?
    I shall put it more bluntly: Where the hell do they get the idea that their standards are more valid than the word of God?

  • Patrick – They have openly stated it many times.

  • @ Patrick:

    I believe Paratrooper parachuted in from a planet that does not have a First Amendment, and just hasn’t seen ours yet. Nothing could be a clearer violation of the First Amendment than what he suggest.
