• It is time to admit that DUI laws have nothing to do with safety, it is all about generating revenue for municipalities and “cop welfare”. Public drunkeness laws are so vague that you can be charged after having one mouthfull of beer. I have been told that I can be charged with public drunkeness for drinking a beer while sitting on my front porch, because I can be seen from the street. I have to give credit to the guy who uses “prosecutorial discression” to drop the charges, but I believe that he is an exception not the rule. Wasn’t there a post here about police in Texas arresting people for public drunkeness while they were sitting at the bar?

  • Why stop at public drunkenness? Since we know that drinking is bad for you, why don’t we ban the drinking of alcoholic beverages altogether. We can call it prohibition. What could possibly go wrong with that?

  • If anything needs to be banned as a public health hazard, it’s police discretion.

  • Richard, I like your thinking. We could call it the “War on Demon Rum.” Surely it will work just as well as our successful War on Drugs.

  • I think a hatchet might make a good anti-alcohol campaign logo. Perhaps wielded by a nubile young thing fearsome maternal figure.