January 16 roundup

  • Woman embroiled in neighbor dispute claims disability bias based on depression, but now faces $107,000 award of legal fees [Buffalo News]
  • B.C., Canada: “Law Firm Unsuccessfully Seeks Fees From Their Own Insurer’s Negligence Payout” [Erik Magraken]
  • “Worst case a client has ever asked you to take” meme reaches ABA Journal [earlier]
  • Hans Bader on re-election of “legally insane” Chicago judge [CEI “Open Market”, earlier]
  • Far-fetched theories of constitutional tax immunity claim more victims, this time in Canada [National Post]
  • Law geek alert: Prof. Green will be blogging key federal courts decision Erie RR v. Tompkins (1938) daily through the month [Prawfs]
  • Appreciations of the late political economist James Buchanan [David Boaz, Alex Tabarrok, Tyler Cowen and more, Arnold Kling, Radley Balko]


  • Looking at the “worst case” responses makes you realize how long ago they were…

    The dude who wanted to sue the FAA for not hiring him as an air traffic controller because he was dyslexic? Dude would win these days…

  • Once upon a time the knightly castes of Europe would go out to war in their heavy armor. Foot soldiers might get slaughtered, but no knight ever died. Occasionally, one would be captured by the other side and ransomed back — there was a special tax on the peasants to raise the money. Because these prisoners would yield so much money and because the captors might be prisoners some day, prisoners were treated very well.

    As you can imagine, these people would use any excuse to go to war. After all, only footsoldiers got killed.

    What the English did to the French soldiers at Crecy and Poitiers had a chilling effect, too. It meant that the knights were actually at risk too. Trust me: it made things safer for peasants.

    That’s why I am in favor of Loser Pays.

  • the websters were ‘church goers’ and married for 41 years. How does this relate to the utter stupidity of thinking that taxes don’t apply to them?