Report: marker for concussion brain damage found in living NFL veterans

As I’ve said before, if subjected to the same injury liability rules that American courts apply to other businesses, organized football is unlikely to survive. The development of a workable diagnostic test for living players would hasten this process along. [PBS] Similarly: Ta-Nehisi Coates, said before, if subjected to the same injury liability rules that American courts apply to other businesses, organized football is unlikely to survive. The development of a workable diagnostic test for living players would hasten this process along. [PBS] Similarly: Coyote.


  • Except, it seems that one would have to prove that the marker was not there before the player entered the NFL. How can that be done if there was not a test until within the last couple of years — even assuming the test and its results are not found later to be unreliable?

  • […] Brown of Cato interviewed me in this new podcast. Earlier on football and brain injury here, here, etc. […]