YouTube goblin-toppler said to have been “debilitated” by ’09 crash

A YouTube clip went viral last week of three men in Utah’s Goblin Valley State Park toppling over an ancient “goblin” sandstone rock formation that they considered it a safety hazard, then laughing and high-fiving afterward. It might seem surprising that the one who gave the shove, Glenn Taylor, was up for such vigorous activities, since he suffered what were described as “debilitating” back injuries (according to his legal claims) in a road accident four years ago. According to the father of the defendant in that still-unresolved case, neither Taylor nor others involved visited the hospital after that rear-ending. “Taylor’s attorney Mark Stubbs says just because his client is beginning to recover from his injured back doesn’t mean he hasn’t suffered from pain in the past, and he says Taylor’s medical bills in the wake of the accident could continue for years.” [CNN, NYDN, KUTV (auto-plays video)] More: NY Post. More: Lenore Skenazy (but it’s to make kids safer!).


  • So the guy didn’t go to the hospital after the accident, his pain developed later and still lingers, and his hobby is pushing around heavy boulders (and judging by his waist line, possibly competitive eating)? IMHO, too much emphasis is placed upon medical treatment, diet and exercise as means of recovery. Growing up in the South, I oft witnessed the healing power of the Preacher laying on hands while invoking the Holy Spirit. Many TV commercials today describe the nearly miraculous healing powers of hands applying spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustment. And, for those who have sought solace in the ancient wisdom of the Far East, the transfer through the palms of the universal energy of the Reiki in the form of Qi, heals by establishing the natural state of equilibrium. However, personally, I am a believer in the healing power of the Happy Faces [William McKinley, on the $500 dollar bill; Grover Cleveland, on the $1,000 dollar bill; James Madison, on the $5,000 dollar bill; Salmon P. Chase on the $10,000 dollar bill; and, of course, Woodrow Wilson,on the $100,000 dollar bill], applied across my hands. Although their expressions may be dour, seeing them counted across my palm brings great happiness, and heals much pain and suffering. Slap a few Wilsons across Mr. Taylor’s fingers and he’ll probably be able to show Sisyphus a few tricks about rolling boulders.

  • If he lost 50 or 60 pounds his back would feel much better.
    If I’m injured in an accident, I’m filing with the at fault drivers insurance company at the earliest opportunity. All the bills will go straight to them.

  • wfjag wrote:

    And, for those who have sought solace in the ancient wisdom of the Far East, the transfer through the palms of the universal energy of the Reiki in the form of Qi, heals by establishing the natural state of equilibrium.

    You have spoken a great truth, Grasshopper. In this case, the palm Qi should be applied smartly by alternating palms across the face, rapidly repeated until the patient returns to a natural state of equilibrium.

  • It is apparent that the debilitating injuries were the destruction of his frontal lobes.
