Update: Pets Warehouse case

Longtime readers will remember the saga of Robert Novak, owner of Long Island-based Pets Warehouse, who first sued hobbyists who criticized his business and then went on to sue a lengthy list of online entities that seemed to have lent aid and comfort to his opponents (see Oct. 4-6, May 27, and May 22, 2002 and links from there; letter from Novak to this site, Aug. 10, 2001). This summer, Novak declared bankruptcy and he recently lost the rights to the PetsWarehouse.com domain which was purchased by one of his adversaries and presently serves as a voluminous guide to the status of Novak’s various lawsuits, many of which continue to rage unabated. See also Lisa Napoli, “Freedom of Gurgle in the Fish Tank” (opinion piece), MSNBC, Apr. 4, 2002 (& see update Dec. 28). Further update Oct. 16, 2004: Novak prevails in Alabama case and regains control of domain.

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