According to the New York Daily News, if Michael Jackson’s accuser sues him, it won’t be the first time he’ll be a plaintiff in a civil case. In 1998, the then eight-year-old was nabbed shoplifting with his parents in a JC Penney parking lot, resulting in a burglary charge. The confrontation turned violent, and a civil lawsuit was brought charging false arrest and battery. “As part of the settlement, charges against the family were dropped. The family collected $200,000.” (Matthew Heller et al., “Troubled past of kid & kin”, Nov. 25). A 1994 GQ article by Mary Fisher (reprinted various places on the Web) has some disturbing things to say about the parents of Jackson’s accuser of ten years ago–though the source of many of those allegations is Anthony Pellicano (see Nov. 11).
Meanwhile, Liza Minnelli and David Gest, at whose wedding Jackson was the best man, are now suing each other: The Smoking Gun has the his and hers lawsuits.