“Stoned Skater Can Sue County”

Via Legal Reader (May 3): a California court of appeals has reinstated 17-year-old Angelo Seaver’s suit against Santa Cruz county, which a trial judge had thrown out. While stoned on pot one moonless night Seaver had gone skateboarding in a public park after closing and crashed into a gate. The “panel found that because there […]

Via Legal Reader (May 3): a California court of appeals has reinstated 17-year-old Angelo Seaver’s suit against Santa Cruz county, which a trial judge had thrown out. While stoned on pot one moonless night Seaver had gone skateboarding in a public park after closing and crashed into a gate. The “panel found that because there were no signs, reflectors or lighting to help Seaver see the gate, the county created a ‘dangerous condition of public property.'” The county could not rely on the defense of assumption of risk, the court ruled, “because Seaver was riding his skateboard for transportation, not to perform stunts”. (Peter Blumberg, San Francisco Daily Journal, May 3, not online; Angelo M. Seaver v. County of Santa Cruz, unpublished opinion, Apr. 30 (PDF))(more personal-responsibility cases).

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