A six-person jury took two hours to render a verdict for the defense in a lawsuit (Jul. 15) over a home-plate slide that broke a catcher’s leg (or kneecap, says one press account). (Jonathan Mummolo, “Collision a fair play”, Newsday, Jul. 20; Richard Weir and Owen Moritz, “Catcher’s suit thumbed out on L.I.”, New York Daily News, Jul. 20).
Update: Jury rejects softball slide claim
A six-person jury took two hours to render a verdict for the defense in a lawsuit (Jul. 15) over a home-plate slide that broke a catcher’s leg (or kneecap, says one press account). (Jonathan Mummolo, “Collision a fair play”, Newsday, Jul. 20; Richard Weir and Owen Moritz, “Catcher’s suit thumbed out on L.I.”, New York […]
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