Touchy Colorado bar

Last month the Colorado Bar Association sent a letter to both major political parties in the state instructing them to have their candidates “focus on the issues, avoid name-calling, and not resort to stereotyping any groups of people as the scapegoats for society?s complex problems. This includes generalized attacks aimed at judges or lawyers.” According […]

Last month the Colorado Bar Association sent a letter to both major political parties in the state instructing them to have their candidates “focus on the issues, avoid name-calling, and not resort to stereotyping any groups of people as the scapegoats for society?s complex problems. This includes generalized attacks aimed at judges or lawyers.” According to a Denver Post editorial (“How many lawyers does it take…”, Sept. 20):

“It totally cracked us up,” said Chris Gates, chairman of the Colorado Democratic Party. “I’ve received a lot of letters advocating for this issue or that, but this was the first letter that said ‘could you please refrain from saying mean things.”‘

Ted Halaby, a prominent lawyer and chairman of the state Republican Party, said the letter “showed a certain ultra-sensitivity.”


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