Mother’s Day custody special

Her kids are “too attached” to her, she was told by her soon-to-be-ex husband. Huh? Well, maybe there’s more to it than that: “His lawyer had advised him that to get what he wanted in the divorce, he would need to take a hard line on custody because that’s what mattered most to me.” (Katie […]

Her kids are “too attached” to her, she was told by her soon-to-be-ex husband. Huh? Well, maybe there’s more to it than that: “His lawyer had advised him that to get what he wanted in the divorce, he would need to take a hard line on custody because that’s what mattered most to me.” (Katie Allison Granju, “Losing Custody of My Hope”, New York Times, May 8). And divorced British fathers crusade against a court system they see as stacked against them (Susan Dominus, “The Fathers’ Crusade”, New York Times Magazine, May 8).

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