Australia’s ABC network discusses the idea (“Law group suggests legal action over late doctors”, Sept. 13) as do KevinMD’s commenters (Sept. 13). It’s not actually new, though: a Nevada patient filed an action in small claims court two years ago after having to wait three hours to see his doctor (see Aug. 1, 2003). That case, as a news search reveals, was settled when the doctor agreed to write a letter of apology and donate to charity (Joelle Babula, “Letter ends lawsuit, patient says”, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Sept. 24, 2003)(other coverage in same paper).
Oz lawyers: let’s sue docs who are late for appointments
Australia’s ABC network discusses the idea (“Law group suggests legal action over late doctors”, Sept. 13) as do KevinMD’s commenters (Sept. 13). It’s not actually new, though: a Nevada patient filed an action in small claims court two years ago after having to wait three hours to see his doctor (see Aug. 1, 2003). That […]
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