Jack Thompson update

We’ve previously documented the escapades of attorney Jack Thompson, who’s led a number of lawsuits against the video game industry seeking to blame violent crimes on them (Feb. 19, Sep. 26, 2003, Apr. 3-4, 2002), once even taking the time to write us a memorable letter. Thompson’s latest publicity stunt was to propose that someone […]

We’ve previously documented the escapades of attorney Jack Thompson, who’s led a number of lawsuits against the video game industry seeking to blame violent crimes on them (Feb. 19, Sep. 26, 2003, Apr. 3-4, 2002), once even taking the time to write us a memorable letter.

Thompson’s latest publicity stunt was to propose that someone create a video game depicting a “victim” of video-game violence violently going after video-game executives, even offering $10,000 to the charity of the choice of the designer. Unfortunately for him, someone actually followed up and did it, and then asked to collect; Thompson reneged, and then threatened litigation against a net cartoon (NSFW language) that satirized him. Enough readers of the strip have complained to the Florida Bar Association that they claim to be investigating, though I personally doubt anything will come of it. Ars Technica (via Radosh) is more optimistic, and has more details.

Update: I missed a more recent and entertaining development: Thompson is apparently threatening suit against the Florida Bar if it takes action on the ethics complaints.


  • I actually attended Vanderbilt Law School with Jack. I didn’t know him well, but I remember the gorilla costume he wore to criminal law class on Halloween, and the time his car was stolen when he let a prospective purchaser take it for a test drive unaccompanied. When we both ended up practicing law in Dade County, Florida, he ran against Janet Reno for Dade County State Attorney, and publicly identified himself as a conservative, Christian lawyer.

    I’d call Jack an eccentric, but an eccentric on the right, rather than on the left.

  • I find it funny that he doesn’t want his address listed, yet he’s willing to list it on his own web page.

  • Jack Thompson update: Florida bar latest target

    Overlawyered favorite Jack Thompson has followed through his threat to sue the Florida Bar for daring to investigate him for ethical violations. He also complained to the interim U.S. Attorney, who punted to the FBI,…