Pseudonymous blogger “Robert Musil” has resumed his financial and political blogging after a hiatus and is drawing pointed lessons (May 31, Jun. 1, Jun. 2) from yesterday’s unanimous Supreme Court decision overturning the conviction of Arthur Andersen in the Enron affair. For more on the Andersen case, see Point of Law’s coverage yesterday and today. Among other financial topics “Musil” has been commenting on lately: the Enron scandal itself (here and here), Sarbanes-Oxley (here and here), and the Supreme Court’s recent rebuke to the Ninth Circuit on the calculation of damages in securities cases, in the Dura case.
On a different note, alas, Tim Sandefur is suspending posting at his Freespace blog, which has been a valuable resource on law and libertarian philosophy and often the target of links from this page. Incidentally, the blogroll on Overlawyered’s front page (right-hand column) is deliberately kept short (and rotated fairly often), but the site’s General Links page offers a longer blogroll which readers may enjoy exploring, as does Point of Law (left column).