“Right-wing P.C.”

Oh, great, just what we needed: conservatives learn how to play the victimization game (Jesse Walker, Reason, May 8).

Oh, great, just what we needed: conservatives learn how to play the victimization game (Jesse Walker, Reason, May 8).


  • Victimhood claims are the nuclear warfare of today’s politics. The only possible response to launch your own missiles. The columnist seems to seek a world in which declaring your strength and virtue are winning positions. I sympathize, but this doesn’t generally work. Nobody in our newly globalized democracy draws laurels by proclaiming greatness. That may in part be because such proclamations don’t spur action – people are motivated by claimed needs to reform or to avenge more than claimed needs to protect and preserve.

    The best combination is to claim extreme victimhood while exhibiting strength and ferocity in the pursuit of political goals. The truth is that all politics are “identity politics.”

  • “Victimhood claims are the nuclear warfare of today’s politics. The only possible response to launch your own missiles.”

    Exactly. As soon as the rules of political correctness and victimhood have to apply equally, they will be scrapped (which is GOOD).

    If you’ve got another way to get rid of them, let’s hear it.

  • Sometimes the only way to fight the other guy’s transvaluation, is with a transvaluation of your own.

    Group competition is almost necessarily phrased in good guys vs bad guys terminology. There have been few times in history when it was otherwise.