151-proof rum is flammable, who knew?

By reader acclaim: “A woman who was allegedly severely burned by flaming rum during a Bacardi promotion sued the wine and spirits producer, claiming the product was defective and dangerous. …A bartender, who was not identified in the lawsuit, was pouring shots when a customer lit a menu on fire and placed it in the […]

By reader acclaim: “A woman who was allegedly severely burned by flaming rum during a Bacardi promotion sued the wine and spirits producer, claiming the product was defective and dangerous. …A bartender, who was not identified in the lawsuit, was pouring shots when a customer lit a menu on fire and placed it in the stream of alcohol.” Danielle Alleyne suffered severe burns as a result, the suit says. (“Florida Woman Sues Bacardi Over Injuries Allegedly Caused by Flaming Rum Shot” AP/FoxNews.com, Jul. 26).


  • Methinks the defective product here is the brain of the plaintiff… I suggest that she lays-off the booze!

  • The article suggests a third party ignited the alcohol and the plaintiff was a bystander. I’d like some data on the flash point difference between 151 proof rum and 80 proof (or whatever ‘regular’ rum is). The last bottle of 151 I saw had an honest-to-god fire supressing screen in the neck to prevent exactly this problem. Remember ‘Grizzly Adams’?

  • So if she is putting rubbing alcohol on a cut or gas in her car and some third-party idiot decides to add fire to the mix it is the product maker’s fault? This is a highly flamible product that is expressly labeled as such. This is a blatant attempt to go after the deepest pockets, or as my tort professor would say, put the cost of injury on the party most able to pay. Communist.

  • Flaming Dr. Pepper

    One shot of Amaretto topped off with 151
    One half pint of light beer

    Light the 151 on fire, drop the shot into the beer, and then drain the glass. It tastes like Dr. Pepper.

  • I have to concur with “booger.” The last bottle of Bacardi 151 that I had (purchased probably about two years ago, finished a couple of months ago) had a screen on the top of the bottle, presumably to supress fire. Additionally, there were warnings along the top of the bottle near the opening that said the product was flammible.


  • Everything above 100 proof is flammable

  • I going to guess that the lawyer that filed this was having a slow week.

  • I bought a bottle of 151 proof rum with the flame arrestor in the neck. The first time I saw a bottle of that hi-test and saw the flammable warning label “Do not pour near an open flame or use for flaming alcohol drinks” I immediately thought “Man I *gotta* drink some of this!” and bought the bottle… love the stuff!