BlackBerry “addiction”

Notwithstanding Ted’s debunking post of Aug. 25 (see also Sept. 5), the press continues to take this subject seriously, complete with its supposed legal ramifications. (Jay Akasie, “‘Addiction’ to BlackBerries May Bring on Lawsuits”, New York Sun, Sept. 7). Jonathan Adler leads a discussion at Volokh Conspiracy (Sept. 7).

Notwithstanding Ted’s debunking post of Aug. 25 (see also Sept. 5), the press continues to take this subject seriously, complete with its supposed legal ramifications. (Jay Akasie, “‘Addiction’ to BlackBerries May Bring on Lawsuits”, New York Sun, Sept. 7). Jonathan Adler leads a discussion at Volokh Conspiracy (Sept. 7).

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