Repeal Day

It’s a proposal for a new national holiday on Dec. 5 marking the end of Prohibition. (WaiterRant, Dec. 5; Jeffrey Morgenthaler, Nov. 7). Nice idea, but what makes anyone think that a nation hurtling in the opposite direction — toward bans on every unhealthy but pleasurable form of food and drink that public-health busybodies see […]

It’s a proposal for a new national holiday on Dec. 5 marking the end of Prohibition. (WaiterRant, Dec. 5; Jeffrey Morgenthaler, Nov. 7). Nice idea, but what makes anyone think that a nation hurtling in the opposite direction — toward bans on every unhealthy but pleasurable form of food and drink that public-health busybodies see fit to target — would even wish to pay lip service to the principles of individual liberty at stake in Repeal?

For ideas on what comes next after NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on restaurant use of trans fat (PoL Dec. 5, etc.), see Michael J. Nelson, “Protecting You From You”, Dec. 5. More: “So you can’t cook with Crisco anymore? That’s crazy! Is there no respect for tradition? Of all the elitist regulations, this one takes the cake. And the pie crust.” (Althouse, Dec. 6; also Oberwetter, Mangu-Ward).


  • I actually agree with the trans-fat ban because you are constantly being exposed to it without your concent. Regarding the current prohibition of Marijuana I have to point out that “weed” consumption over here were it is available to anyone over 16 appears to be much, much lower than in the Good O” US of A where you can do jail time for simple possession. The police seem to like the confiscated cash that normally goes with drug busts so expect no changes anytime soon.

  • “I actually agree with the trans-fat ban because you are constantly being exposed to it without your concent.”

    Really? Without your consent? They shov it down your throat – force-feed you?

    Seriously – get a grip. We may need a slight adjustment to labelling laws, but that is plenty.

  • Prohibition was repealed onmy birthday? Really? That’s the best thing ever.

  • Re: trans fats, take a look at the latest article from the Junk Science author, Steven Milloy, as can be read at,2933,235317,00.html. You will discover that, contrary to popular opinion, the research that supposedly shows that trans fats are so bad for you draws conclusions that are not supported by science at all.

    Please read the article. This guy is not at all a whacko. He continually puts out great articles debunking the misconceptions of the day. Read and you will learn a great deal.

    Note: I have no connection to the author or his material. I’m just sick of public opinion that is based on myth and hype instead of science. That drives bad public policy and bad lawsuits (class action or otherwise).