At Bloggasm, “a media blog featuring interviews from the most interesting blogs around,” Simon Owens asks me six questions about the law and about this weblog generally. My favorite is on the difference between writing books and writing a blog. You’ll also hear my suggestions when asked to name five blogs that complement this one. Read the whole interview here.
Archive for 2006
“L.A.’s scariest lawyer”
In the New Yorker, Ken Auletta profiles entertainment lawyer Bertram Fields, whose name has turned up regularly in the Anthony Pellicano scandal and whom Auletta dubs the “most feared lawyer in Hollywood”. A snippet (via Lattman): “his pugnacity frightens opponents. One Fields client says, ‘If he’s on the other side, he’s a nightmare. He going to make your life miserable. Someone who actually enjoys beating people up, there’s something wrong with them. But when you hire a litigator you want a p***k.'”
On the radio
Yesterday I was a guest on two radio shows. I joined Ron Smith on Baltimore’s WBAL to discuss my article, just out, on the lawsuit against MySpace for failing to chaperone a teenage user. And I joined Grover Norquist on his Rightalk broadcast to talk about the politics of liability reform.
Althouse on YouTube lawsuit
The Wisconsin lawprof has this to say (Jul. 19) on that copyright-infringement lawsuit that we mentioned in passing yesterday, the one aimed at the hit site for hosting a video of the beating of Reginald Denny:
Robert Tur, who could have just asked YouTube to remove the video someone had uploaded, instead left it there and then sued demanding $150,000 for each of the 1,000+ viewings that occurred. YouTube took the video down when the lawsuit called attention to the problem.
Well, we knew eventually someone would sue YouTube, but could it be anyone less sympathetic then a guy who once got lucky and was there with a camera when someone else was getting beaten up?
More in her comments section.
Update: rude doctor won’t be punished, plans suit
Dr. Terry Bennett of New Hampshire, last seen in this space Aug. 25, 2005 facing disciplinary action from his state medical board for allegedly saying rude and insensitive things to a patient, has won a ruling from a judge ordering the board to stop those proceedings. The New Hampshire attorney general’s office represented the board before the court. Dr. Bennett says he won’t let the matter drop and plans to sue all concerned — not a surprise, somehow. (David Tirrell-Wysocki, “Court Says Stop Case Against Rude Doctor”, AP/RedOrbit, Jul. 7). GruntDoc comments (Jul. 11) and a website defending Dr. Bennett is here.
Upset at photo, sues high school yearbook editors
Tyler Bennett wore boxer shorts instead of a jock strap when playing basketball for Colts Neck High School, and a resulting action photo published in the school’s yearbook inadvertently revealed more (or perhaps less) than Bennett would have liked. Some students didn’t return the yearbooks when they were recalled the business day after they were released, and an opposing basketball player teased Bennett the next year. Bennett claimed untold emotional distress (though he never sought counseling or medical assistance for his trauma) and sued the school board, three officials, two teachers, the publishing company, and nine students; the latter have had to hire their own attorneys at their own expense if their parents didn’t have homeowner’s insurance. “Some of the students weren’t even editors. The yearbook at Colts Neck High School is produced by a journalism class and some noneditors in the class jumped into the “editors” picture before it was snapped for the yearbook. Not able to determine who was responsible for content, [attorney Steven] Kessel named everyone in the picture.” Bennett even threw in a child pornography charge.
The trial court tossed the case (though only after depositions and summary judgment briefing) and an appeals court summarily affirmed, but Kessel says he’ll appeal to the New Jersey Supreme Court, which will add to the legal expenses of the defendants. Though the case was meritless, the court refused sanctions because the suit technically wasn’t “frivolous” because it wasn’t brought in “bad faith,” exhibiting once again the disconnect between the legal definition of “frivolous” in many states and the popular understanding of the adjective. (Henry Gottlieb, “Former Student Sues Over Revealing Yearbook Photo”, New Jersey Law Journal, Jul. 17; James Quirk, “Judge: Embarrassed ex-Colts Neck student has no claim in yearbook case”, Asbury Park Press, Jun. 24 (via Romenesko); Bennett v. Board of Education (unpublished)).
“Self-Described Drunkard Sues Strip Club That Sold Him Drinks”
Attorney Sabato DeVito, who represents Johnny Eugene Smith of Spring Hill, Fla., says his client might not have wrecked his Corvette if the Calendar Girls strip club hadn’t been so willing to indulge his taste for the bottle.
University of Florida law professor Lars Noah told the Times the suit isn’t frivolous, but it’s unlikely to go far in the legal system.
“It’s kind of surprising that any lawyer worth his salt would take a case like that,” Noah said. “I’m partly to blame for that, I guess. We’re churning them out.”
(WFTV, Jul. 17).
Changing planes in U.S.? II
While I oppose laws banning online gambling as ludicrous public policy in a world with government-run lotteries that return sixty cents on the dollar, I don’t see the controversy (also Hurt) over arresting someone indicted for breaking those laws when they step foot on US soil. If Osama bin Laden were foolish enough to take a commercial flight from Karachi to Caracas that changed planes in Dallas, federales could surely arrest him while he was waiting in line at the Orange Julius. Airports don’t convey some sort of diplomatic immunity.
That said, as a public policy matter, America should perhaps be less inclined to assert jurisdiction for victimless Internet crimes committed over international borders, lest we lose the ability to defend the free speech rights of American citizens to discuss issues of religion or politics barred in other countries. And in conjunction with the NatWest Three extraditions (ably discussed by Kirkendall), one fears a European perception of the US as a nationwide judicial hellhole unsuitable for business dealings, much the same way an American might view doing business in Russia. Already, international companies are choosing to raise capital in international financial markets outside the US where once they went to New York, a problem discussed by Larry Ribstein and Henry Butler in a recent AEI book on Sarbanes-Oxley.
Separately, with respect to the new federal interest in focusing scarce resources on gambling, one wonders if Rep. Jefferson is hoping that he shredded his March Madness pool entry before the FBI searched his office. And see also Mankiw v. Passey (via Taylor).
Changing planes in U.S.? “Travel with a lawyer”
The feds arrested BetOnSports chief executive David Carruthers while he changed planes at Dallas/Fort Worth en route to Costa Rica, charging that his company accepts bets from U.S. residents in violation of federal law. One British view of the implications: “it now looks as if chief executives need ‘lawyerguards’ especially when venturing into risky legal territory such as the US.” (Times (UK) law blog, Jul. 18; Philip Robinson, Dominic Walsh and James Doran, “FBI and tax officials in BetOnSports probe”, The Times Online, Jul. 18; Jacob Sullum, Reason “Hit and Run”, Jul. 18 and Jul. 19; Radley Balko, Cato at Liberty, Jul. 18; Kirkendall, Jul. 19). More on the authorities vs. online gambling: Jun. 19; Nov. 18, 2005, Aug. 9, 2004, etc.
YouTube lawyer ads
This injury-lawyer ad (big explosions, wow) and this one (William Shatner endorsement) appear to be real. On the other hand, this one (“Have you forgiven someone for something you shouldn’t have forgiven them for?” and this one (dog lawyer) and this one (trips over potential client) are just parodies (via Bainbridge). Check the YouTube “lawyer” category for more, and maybe get there quickly, before the copyright lawyers get too busy (K.C. Jones, “Journalist Sues YouTube For Copyright Infringement”, TechWeb/InformationWeek, Jul. 18; “YouTube wanders into copyright mire”, Out-Law/The Register (U.K.), Jul. 19). More: Jul. 21.