In the mail, but not played yet: So Sue Me, described as “the new board game where you enjoy the wackiness of today’s lawsuits”. The subtitle on the game box sounds straightforward enough: “Sue Your Friends. Take Their Stuff”.
“So Sue Me” board game
In the mail, but not played yet: So Sue Me, described as “the new board game where you enjoy the wackiness of today’s lawsuits”. The subtitle on the game box sounds straightforward enough: “Sue Your Friends. Take Their Stuff”.
It’s a funny concept, but a terrible game. The average user rating for it on (probably the best-known boardgame site on the net) is 3.0 out of 10, which ranks it right down there with Candy Land and pocket lint.
I wouldn’t take that rating very seriously. There are only five so far. The most substantive of the two comments, from someone who gave it a 4, compared it to Monopoly, basically complaining that not much strategy is involved. Monopoly (with 3970 ratings), is rated at only 4.5, not a lot higher. To the extent that the ratings for this game are interpretable, it looks like all they mean is that the game is not a strategy game. But then Monopoly isn’t much of a strategy game either and lots of people like it.
i liked candy land!
I like pocket lint!
The big problem is that an average game takes three years to play.
Rather than a “go directly to jail” card, as in Monopoly, does “So Sue Me” have a “go directly to Overlawyered” card that a hapless player can draw?