September 23 roundup

Lawyers in Iowa suit against Microsoft bag $75 million [ComputerWorld, ABA Journal; earlier antics in case here, here, here, and here] Not a parody: Santa Cruz, Calif. says smoking in the park’s OK so long as its pot, not tobacco [Mercury-News via Bader] L.A.’s big payout in Tennie Pierce case (firehouse dog food prank) deemed […]


  • When the ACS decided that its job was to be an advocate for health care insurance for the uninsured rather than an organization that supports research in the causes and cure of cancer, I stopped having much sympathy for them. However, the lawsuit by this individual is outrageous. Rather than accepting the fact that the injury was her own fault, she did what any red-blooded American would do and sued. I guess she is no longer concerned about raising money for fighting cancer. Then again as my first comment indicates, neither is the ACS.

  • Regarding #4, My insolent and impertinent thoughts (having blazed that trail):