The Do Not Sue list

Practically everyone likes the Do Not Call list, which instructs pesky telemarketers to stay away. Why can’t we sign up for a list of people who don’t want to be included in class actions? (Owen Lam/Blended Musings, Dec. 2).

Practically everyone likes the Do Not Call list, which instructs pesky telemarketers to stay away. Why can’t we sign up for a list of people who don’t want to be included in class actions? (Owen Lam/Blended Musings, Dec. 2).


  • I like the idea. How about we give the class action beneficiaries the opportunity to decline their “winnings” and makes public the amount the lawyers are getting. If 51% decline to get their 17 cents coupon, the judgment is invalidated and the plaintiffs lawyer get nothing.

  • one time and one time only has a class action brought me anything substantial. Shortly after moving to Tulsa, OK for law school, I received a check for $125.00 as part of a settlement by the AG of the state with the phone company. I am hazy as to the reason for the overcharge by the phone company, but it was decided that anyone living in the state by a certain date would get the money. Other class action have been lame and not got me anything meaningful.