It started as a joke, but Bozeman, Mont. attorney Christopher Gillette is going through with the ambitious aquarium installation, whose saltwater inhabitants will include venomous fish as well as sharks. [Bozeman Daily Chronicle; AP/El Paso Times] In the 1980s the now well-known law firm of Bickel & Brewer adopted the snake exhibit at the Dallas Zoo. (Mark Donald, “Rambo Justice”, Dallas Observer, Mar. 19, 1998).
“Lawyer installs shark tank in office”
It started as a joke, but Bozeman, Mont. attorney Christopher Gillette is going through with the ambitious aquarium installation, whose saltwater inhabitants will include venomous fish as well as sharks. [Bozeman Daily Chronicle; AP/El Paso Times] In the 1980s the now well-known law firm of Bickel & Brewer adopted the snake exhibit at the Dallas […]
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!
Ah, would you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly?
Throw me a bone here!
Gee, how much more obvious does it have to be to qualify as this lawyer’s latest publicity stunt? Ego, attention,’s all there.