Tyler Cowen wonders, and his readers chime in with many of the obvious theories, as well as some not so obvious (Marginal Revolution and Volokh).
Why are so many politicians lawyers?
Tyler Cowen wonders, and his readers chime in with many of the obvious theories, as well as some not so obvious (Marginal Revolution and Volokh).
The Godfather, Don Corleone (in the novel not the movie), observed that “a lawyer with his brief case can steal more than a hundred men with guns.”
Combine this with (Willie) Sutton’s Law, and the logical career path for lawyers is politics.
My usual rant about the “club”.
As I read around the net I observe that there is a very tight club comprised of lawyers. The club is rather exclusive in that one must pass a BAR exam in order to become a member of it.
All higher level judges as well must be members of the same club.
So now we have a club member creating law that other club members will use for making a living at, arguing one side vs another, (something lawyers should be doing), in front of the club member judge.
On the surface one could almost declare such a monopoly, even though it is not if one looks as it as the legal industry then it begins to quack like a duck.
Just a thought.
Really, TC? Have to pass the bar first to practice law? Imagine that, a profession where the members engage in decision making on a daily basis that has a profound effect on their clients lives requires that you must first pass some kind of threshold for certification/ just like doctors have to pass their boards? or electricians start out as apprentices? or pizza delivery guys have to pass a driving test to get thier “license” before they can “practice” for other people that likely also have a “license.” Sounds like one of those exclucive monopolies.
asdfas asdf,
The problem with the entire concept of “lawyers” is that we are all expected to FOLLOW the law, but the law itself expects (and rightfully so) that we don’t KNOW the law (indeed, no one person knows the entire law of this country – no one can read it faster than it changes).
The entire concept is flawed: lawyers should be something that only those who are incompetent should need. If the law is such that 99% of the population needs a lawyer, the law is inherently unjust.
You missed the part about how it supports an industry, that creates, argues, and judges, with only club members allowed.
Tell ya what, lets allow electricians to be the judges!