A letter thus begins

As you may not be aware, we are both lawyers and both litigators, for whom the usual barriers to litigation are minimal…. According to the New York Times, that’s the opening line of the letter sent by husband-and-wife attorneys Jonathan Selbin and Jenny Selbin to neighbor Galila Huff, curtly warning that she’d better keep cigarette […]

As you may not be aware, we are both lawyers and both litigators, for whom the usual barriers to litigation are minimal….

According to the New York Times, that’s the opening line of the letter sent by husband-and-wife attorneys Jonathan Selbin and Jenny Selbin to neighbor Galila Huff, curtly warning that she’d better keep cigarette smoke from escaping her apartment or they’d see her in court. (Josh Barbanel, “Neighbor vs. Neighbor”, Feb. 17). Earlier coverage here. More: Bainbridge.

One Comment

  • Hey, if the smoke was really “wafting” into another resident’s private property I’d have to say they have a legitimate beef. I suspect, however, in reality that this lawyer couple was more taken aback by a stale smell or whatnot as they passed nearby their neighbor’s door, or that their general sensibilities were somehow offended. Did the smoke really “waft” over if the door was closed between the two residences? How far from each other were they?

    But, the quote, “As you may not be aware, we are both lawyers and both litigators…” smacks of childish schoolyard bullying, i.e.: “Gimme your lunch money, twerp!” Grow up, and quit posturing. If you have a legitimate beef so state it. Don’t puff your chest to make you feel like a big shot.