WordPress site now operating

Update: Since it’s awkward to keep two blogs going at once I’ve now switched the WordPress site to function as the “main” blog. Old post addresses generated by Movable Type (which lack the “php” suffix) still appear to work.

Earlier: Looks like I’ve fixed the problem of imported MT posts being misattributed to the wrong authors. I’m also trying out a new design “theme” (XMark by Lisa Sabin-Wilson) which fixes some glaring problems we had with the previous test theme (such as italics not rendering properly) and looks, in general, blog-friendly. At the moment it’s not a great fit for the accustomed look and feel of the site but it seems to be highly customizable, and should be considered a work in progress.

As an experiment, we’ve made commenting somewhat easier and you may notice that your comments appear immediately.


  • Welcome to the dark side. 🙂

    Where themes are concerned, be sure to check out the compatible with 2.5 theme page in the docs section of the WordPress.org site

  • Update: Dang, they changed things on me. How rude. 🙁

    Anyway, check out this page for a long (scroll down) list of theme hosting sites. Sure to be some degree of duplication, but you should find a few useful themes out of the hundreds available.

  • Very nice and the speed with which you changed over leads me to believe you are really getting into this internet thing. A new book perhaps? “The Care and Feeding of a Blog” or “What the Lawyers Couldn’t Do to Me MoveableType Did?

    Keep up the great work and thanks for all your efforts.

  • As Alan Kellogg said, welcome to the dark side. I’ve always liked WordPress better than Typepad…

  • Nice snazzy site. Love the way it looks and functions. Congrats on the update.

  • Very nicely done!

    In addition to Askimet, make sure you’re running SpamKarma2; with that combo my spam that gets through has dropped to near zero, with very little effort on my part.

    Welcome to WordPress.