AARP sued for age discrimination

Even they can’t stay on the right side of age-bias law: Bonita Brady, who works for the American Association of Retired Persons in its Lansing, Mich. office, is suing the advocacy group saying she was passed over for jobs because of her age despite good reviews. (“63-Year-Old Woman Sues the AARP for Age Discrimination”, AP/, Aug. 20). More: Evil HR Lady, Jane Genova.


  • It makes sense, the AARP is for retired persons, hiring an old person who should already be retired defeats the point.

  • You can become a member of AARP at 50. Hubby got mail from them ON his 50th. Needless to say, he’s not going to avail himself of their offer.

  • 50!?!?! Hah! I received an offer to join when I was 37. It was almost an insult… But then I considered if it would work to get me senior discounts on meals…