Microblog 2008-10-23

  • Did the Feds err in letting Lehman fail? [Salmon vs. Carney] #
  • Oh, spare us, Newt: Gingrich says some of SNL’s Palin skits “were slander and were worthy of a lawsuit” [Van Susteren] #
  • Signs of much economic distress in ocean shipping trade [Naked Capitalism] #
  • Seattle municipal archives, tons of cool historical photos [Flickr] #
  • “Journalism is not brain surgery; it’s more difficult than that,” sez (did you guess?) a journalism professor [Happy Hospitalist] #


  • Well, judging from the relative success rates of brain surgery and journalism, journalism may well be more difficult than brain surgery.

  • I guess it depends on how you define journalism:

    “Investigating factual events as best you can and honestly reporting your findings”: easy

    “Convincing the world to your point of view with lots of flase info without them noticing”: harder than brain surgery

    See? It’s all about the definition of the word.

  • Actually, many people would question how well, overall, journalists do at “Investigating factual events and honestly reporting their findings”.