So why not become a judge instead?
Fort Lauderdale attorney Bruce Rogow, who teaches legal ethics at Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad Law Center, said [Ricardo] Corona’s campaign should not be penalized for something that happened 20 years ago.
“Being barred from the banking business doesn’t mean you can’t be a lawyer,” he said.
Corona, unlike his father and brother, never faced criminal charges following the collapse of a bank acquired with drug money, but the FDIC barred him permanently from involvement with regulated banks. Palm Beach County judicial-election consultant Andre Fladell looks at the bright side:
“The argument of performance is not a fair one. Everybody’s got an incredible past, and it doesn’t stop them from being a fair judge,” he said. “A person who’s been involved with the sleaze can recognize it better than someone who hasn’t.”
(Billy Shields, Miami Daily Business Review, Jun. 19).