Corri Fetman sues Playboy

Chicago attorney Corri Fetman won a secure place in the Tasteless Lawyer-Ad Hall of Fame with her firm’s billboard showing a temptress and muscleman with the slogan: “Life’s short. Get a divorce.” She parlayed that fame into a spot as “Lawyer of Love” columnist (and subject of undressed photography) for the magazine Playboy. Now she’s suing, alleging she was sexually harassed and later deprived of her column by a lascivious executive at the publication. Her suit charges, among other things, “gender violence” and emotional distress.

Fetman lost her focus at work, grew depressed and anxious and sought medical care, [attorney Timothy] Ashe said. “Everybody has a breaking point,” he said. “She is not an overly sensitive person.”

[Chicago Tribune via Obscure Store].


  • Lie with dogs, get up with fleas.

  • Life Is Short. File A Claim.

  • Gives whole new meaning to “came to the nuisance.”

  • Okay this is a little silly. She has systematically sexualized herself in the pursuit of her business. And now she is shocked that an executive at playboy is seeing her just as a sex object.

    If the court agrees, i suggest immediate disbarment for mental disability. only a complete idiot would be surprised and therefore traumatized by being sexually harassed by that.

    I might grant her back pay for the columns she didn’t get to write, maybe, but she is probably looking for pain and suffering, too, and i would say no way.

    Btw, i would love a copy of the complaint. it would be hilarious reading, i am sure.